Sunday, July 26, 2009

3:00 AM Ramblings..

Initially, I was going to post this 3:00am-ish (hence the blog title) but my passing out around that time somewhat delayed that.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not fit. In fact, I'm highly unathletic; I'm the anti-athleticist. I make Oprah look like a body builder.

Bodybuilder Oprah - scary..

So when Jon called me out to play basketball recently, my scepticism (and eyebrows) hit the ceiling. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find it rather enjoyable. I'm probably not the best player, but still, I'd have never guessed that chasing after a bouncy orange ball with 5 other people could be so entertaining.


I went to play yesterday too; with Jon, Jason, Kevin, Thiniseh and Darren. Unfortunately, in my haste to avoid getting slammed in the face with the ball, I did not manage to whip out my phone to snap a few then.

In any case, Darren called me up later that evening to go out to the 'mamak'. Somehow, an hour later, we found ourselves sitting at Republic in Sunway Pyramid with my friend, Nelson, from Brunei.

Darren then suggested we go play a little pool. So we drove - OK, he drove - to Asia Cafe at SS15. The place, to say the least, was packed. I have to admit that after spending the last 5 years in classes where tuition is an acceptable hobby, all this was relatively new for me. So I was naturally a little surprised to find the place crowded at 1am with people our age.

Given the intensity of the crowd, we didn't manage to get a pool table to ourselves and soon headed out to Summit in hopes of better prospects. Summit, luckily, was significantly less crowded; but then again, is Summit ever packed?

Anyhoo, we played at a centre (I forget the name, but it was near the bowling alley)for quite a bit before we decided to get home.


Darren seemed a rather experienced pool player. Meanwhile, I was still trying to work out which end of the cue to use to hit the ball.

By the time we got back. It was a little past 3am.

All in all, it was loads fun and I really did need the break.
(Thanks Darren!)

But I won't be going out so late for quite awhile though - at least, not if my parents have anything to say about it. For now, it's back to doing-the-books-ville for me..


cheryl said...

Darren looks cool in the picture!

fernglin said...

dudeee always remember you can schedule your posts XD cheers

hazelnut said...

I am homeeee!!! When are you coming back from BOARDING COLLEGE? =D

Nickolai A. F. said...

@cheryl: yup! he is.. My friend lo.. XD
Ferng! How ah? I'm so blur with blogger.. -.- Haha..
And Hazel! You're back! Time to go leeeeepaakkkk! XD XD

lily said...

Oooo.. so this was what you were doing when you left me hanging on msn.. naughty naughty, you'll get caughty.. anyways looks like you had great fun :)
haha.. it's ok, thanks for your text!