Wednesday, August 19, 2009


... is a bad day.

Why does it always take major bad news to remind us not to take things for granted?
Why is it that we appreciate things only when they're gone?
Why don't we think of the pain and regret that will surely come, when we leave things undone and things unsaid?

Today, students of SMK USJ 12 were scrambling to go home when word got out that a few of their number had caught the swine flu. I had just gotten out of bed in the morning when i heard the news that a teacher has passed away. A friend told me about how he regretted not paying enough attention in class when she was teaching... It was a huge shock to all of those who had known her: her colleagues, friends, students... It left all gripped by fear, hanging around in a daze.

Funny how it is, that I could read about the steadily rising death toll in the newspapers and not give a hoot. I remember proudly showing my mom a CNN report that said many more people die from the normal flu every year compared to the swine flu.

Yet when it happens to someone we hold close to our hearts...

Take care of your health, people. You never know when it may be gone.

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