Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random post about short unrelated incidents. =)

1. Everyone seems particularly bitchy with me lately. Oh kla maybe not everyone but at least the people I live with at home. What on earth lah! Menopause is it! Or maybe I'm the one who's hitting menopause since all that screaming is directed at ME.

2. I went driving today, yesterday and the day before yesterday. First day I drove to the sundry shop 0.5km from my house. Second and third days I drove to this restaurant called Casablanca which is on the same row as the restaurant called Apollo. All three days I made my mom scream at me in fear. First day I took 10 minutes to reverse the car out of the house. Have to be extra careful cos I drive my mom's car which is relatively new cos I can't drive my brother's car cos he's living at SS2 now. Oh and today I mati enjin at the traffic lights in front of Casablanca cos when I stopped I didn't pull the handbrake so she made me do it cos I'm a new driver and she says the car was sliding backwards (but I don't think it was cos I was inching forward at that time, trying to reduce the distance between my car and the car in front of me). So anyway in the end I pulled the handbrake and at that instant the traffic lights turned green and so I panicked. The engine died twice after which my mom pulled the handbrake again and then the third time the engine DIDN'T die but I was still stuck cos the handbrake was up so I screamed at her to push the handbrake up and I VVVRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOMMed forward. Got a nice honking from the car behind me too! =D

3. Last week I found out my friend's mom reads this blog. Three days ago I found out my uncle reads it too. He reckons we should blog more often and use more pictures.

4. On Monday I went to see this Dr. Ranjit Singh who does cosmetic surgery. He seems like a good doctor, his clinic was packed with people (mostly aunties and uncles) the whole one hour I was there. I felt so out of place! Tried to tell myself that I was just accompanying my father. And NOLAH I WAS NOT THERE FOR COSMETIC SURGERY. My dad brought me there to check out my hair cos I look like I'm balding. Or I look bald. Or I AM bald. Whatever lah. He did this funny scan of my scalp with microscopes (I think) first magnifying the image to 50x then 200x then 1000x, first to see the scalp then pore then hair. Or something like that lah. And this lovely Dr. Ranjit Singh says, it's not my fault I'm bald! Cos it's hereditary... got it from my father. Nasty people out there who used to point out and in crowded places and in very loud voices that I'm bald, I know okay! Stop making me feel ugly. Anyway even though it's hereditary I still went home with two types of pills and two types of hair tonic thingies which he says I should use to prevent my condition from getting any worse. Apparently if I don't do anything I could end up bald like an egg, and I definitely don't want that happening. Lucky my mother has a whole headful of hair lo. Who knows how I might have turned out if my parents BOTH have hair problems.

5. I resent having to rely on other people for financial support and I resent it even more when that person rubs it in my face. I resent it when that person calculates over and over again how much money I've spent the past 18 years of my life and how much more I'm going to spend for my tertiary education. I resent it when that person takes delight in telling me how much I owe and in writing mock 'IOU' notes on my behalf. I'm going to make sure I earn lots of cash in future and pay back every last cent of the money I used. And I'll make sure I brag about it when that day comes.

6. I like our new header!

7. I think I need anger management classes. =D

8. I finished downloading Season 1 of the TV series "Chuck"! It took three weeks you know. Love this site! XTVi. They have 24 and Beauty and the Geek and CSI and Grey's Anatomy and House and Prison Break and Damages and Leverage and all those popular shows. Go check it out! =D


And that's all for today. =)

1 comment:

SG said...

This Hazel at the the very funniest with the added spice of randomness.. XD Hazel, u outta control uh..? U've posted 7 out of the last 9 posts on this blog la..