Friday, August 28, 2009

Learning to Bake With Hazel Beh and Eswhy Tan.

Sometime last year or last last year I went to stay over at my piano teacher, Mrs P's house for a week or so. My friend Eswhy joined me during the last three days. One night we got bored and decided to lug all of Mrs P's cookbooks to our room, where we spent half an hour poring all over the recipes. We decided we wanted to cook mashed potatoes! And so we marched downstairs to ask Mrs P about it. BUT, she pooh-pooed at our idea of making mashed potatoes because it was 'too easy'. And so she taught us how to bake buns instead.

Here is a short tutorial on one of the important parts of baking buns: How To Roll The Dough. Enjoy!


Please excuse the over-enthusiasm, I was feeling a little high then. XD

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