Thursday, December 3, 2009


I wonder why people love to curse when something goes wrong or not to what they expected or when they’re really damn angry or when they’re simply ecstatic.

It just comes out naturally without any hesitation or second thoughts only for you to realize opps... you’ve actually muttered it out in front of your parents, teachers, aunties, uncles, respected elderly people and they’ll give you this flabbergasted look, snap out of it & reprimand you not to say ‘that’ word ever again.

But I take it that these words we frequently use which are clearly classified as profanity is just a form of expressing ourselves. And yes, to a certain extent, it helps release stress.

Picture this - getting backstabbed by someone you trusted or badmouthed by someone you knew or cheated by someone you loved and you’re not able to utter a single insult about that person ... how horrific that would be. Isn’t it a relief to be able to string a couple of not-so-nice-to-hear words together while venting your anger? To a certain extent, it makes you feel like you’ve gotten your revenge, leaving you satisfied if not happier.

Nevertheless, certain words should not be mentioned to people & at places where it shouldn’t be heard but I guess it won’t hurt to blurt out these words in a nicer way.

Defecation! (Bio book taught us that)

Nincompoop! (sounds rather cute)

Queen of the universe! (quite majestic, eh...)

Hell should be alright I guess, after all it’s written all over in the book of revelation.

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