Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time creeps by like snail slime when you're having a real scheiße class.

''No, no, no, no, no, no.''

''You must speak!''

''Sing more!''


''Don't use your wrist and arm, use your fingers!''

Then after all that has been corrected,

''It sounds unnatural! Music should be natural!''


So frustrating when I think I'm doing something but it doesn't show in my playing. Even more frustrating when the teacher gets frustrated. Even more frustrating when the teacher doesn't give you time and chances to try things out before expecting you to get it right. Even more frustrating when you have to skip lunch for a lousy class like this.

''No, no, no, no, no.''

Today I spent one hour... ONE HOUR... on ONE PAGE... during piano class.

After that one page I thought I'd be free to go edi, manatau the next person came ONE HOUR LATE. So we spent the next hour on yet another ONE PAGE of another piece.

Yes, I had a very lousy class today.

1 comment:

yihui said...

hahaha that's how long i spent wriggling the stiffness out of my fingers on the canon in D last week. xD give the person who was late the sarah evil eye