Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Horror, the Fun.. and the Coconut?

Today, I woke up at 2pm.

I was bored.
I was terribly bored.
I was about-to-clean-up-my-room-for-the-fourth-time-this-week bored.

So I called up Jonathan and Jason - and just like that, we went out. You gotta love the spontaneity of it all.

We bowled a little and later, watched Drag Me to Hell at Summit.

WARNING: For those of you who haven't yet watched the movie, SPOILER ALERT! But come to think of it, the movie's been out for quite awhile. So if you haven't yet watched it, my money's on the fact that you probably aren't going to anytime soon. So...

The story's about Christine Brown (Alison Lohman), a loan officer who refuses to extend the mortgage credit of an old lady, Mrs Ganush (Lorna Raver) and shames her in public. Mrs Ganush then attacks Christine in a car park and curses her. Christine then has 3 days before a demon called The Lamia comes to.. well.. drag her to hell.

While the movie itself was rather mild on the details and the plot was a little inconsistent, the horror was definitely present - particularly since the cinema had only about 10 people in it.

If there is one thing I have the guts to do, it is to admit that I haven't got the guts for much; particularly horror movies. So there we sat in the 7th row with our hands over our ears, jumping at each onscreen surprise.

I read on wikipedia that the moral of the story was how even good people can make mistakes out of their greed and end up paying for it. All I got from the movie was to never EVER piss off old ladies.

Mrs Ganush is the cutest thing, ain't she?

Several eons later, when the horror finally ended, we staggered out of the cinema freezing and surprisingly hungry. Nothing like guts and gore to whet an appetite.

We then -after wondering the entire mall for half an hour thinking about where to eat- decided to have some steamboat.

Yes, I do know how to use chopsticks.

But I like all the familiar things and inevitably, went back to the good ol' fork. Four sharp prongs over two blunt sticks for me any day. Call me uncultured, but I'm a fan of practicality.

Don't get me wrong, I do admit that a little culture's good for the soul. I just never really got down to exploring even my own; much less others'.

Hm.. Perhaps if I were Chinese, I'd be a banana; but since I'm Indian, I'll just have to settle for being a coconut.

Get it??


hazelnut said...

I do! Hahaha nice to see that you retained your chopstick-using skills, though I don't actually remember us giving you a crash course on that =D

Fiona said...

Dude.. the coconut idea is the most funiest thing I've ever heard of!! Is it originall?!?! *8laughing hysterically**