Thursday, June 11, 2009

From My Dormmate's Laptop, Next To My Lime Green Iron

There are a lot of things that signify the crossing over into adulthood. Getting your first job is one. Receiving your first paycheck. Cashing in your first paycheck. Leaving the nest to further your studies...

A lot of things. Things which seem so far away way back when. Sigh.

Anyway, you know when you're in primary school and you're made to write essays on your ambition? Well, I pretty much waxed lyrical about how I wanted to become a teacher and how much I would help my beloved nation and feel good about it.

I have since learnt two things since writing that essay. One, kids are naive to believe that being a teacher would be so easy, and two, (now that I've actually tried out teaching) I don't want to be a teacher anymore.


Still, that's not to say I don't appreciate the experience i gained from giving it a go. Seriously, every student should give teaching a sincere try. It puts things into perspective. I for one definitely feel remorseful about how I treated my teachers. However, I'm not writing this post to preach to you the mistreatment of teachers and the like.

I'm just bored.

Kidding!!! =D =D =D

Ok, yeah, I know that was pretty darn lame...(We, the bloggers at Rojak Lah, appreciate lame jokes like a can of de-carbonated soft drink. You wouldn't wanna waste it, would you?)

Anyways, I'm writing this because I want us to look at how far we've come, how far we've gone since we were itty bitty kids. I can't help feeling that it's the end of an era. It probably is the end of an era; some final threshold is being crossed as we speak, or already has been...

We no longer write essays about who we want to be, we're starting to live it out and write the thesis on how to keep it going. Suddenly, what had seemed so far away, is staring at us in our faces.

...and the beauty (or nightmare) of it, is we're too close to look away.

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