Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Game

Hey.. u guys ever heard of a game which is simply called The Game??
If you've heard about it, then you've lost it..:P ( just don't bother bout this first if you don't understand.. coz you will later on.. : )

okay.. so let me go on explaining it to you guys..^^
well, the objective of this game is simply to avoid thinking about The Game itself where thinking about The Game constitutes a loss. (hahahahha)
Once you've loss, what u gotta do is just announce it..: )

RULES to THE GAME (there're only 3 of em'):
  1. Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (In particular, "Everybody" in the world who knows about The Game is playing
  2. Whenever one thinks about The Game, one loses.
  3. Loss must be announced to at least one person (by using a statement such as "I lost The Game" or any other means possible..^^ ).
A grace period of 30 seconds to half an hour is given after someone has lost, during which a player cannot lose The Game again, or is not obliged to announce a loss. This is simply to avoid a perpetual loss..
The rules do not define a point at which The Game ends. However, one reported variation states that The Game ends when the British Prime Minister announces "The Game is up" on television...( which i think it'll never realise: )

anyways.. info gotten frm this site http://losethegame.com/index.htm
read this out loud...........THE GAME!!!~~~~~~~~~~


Fiona said...

you must be very very bored to be playing this game. xD

L@CR!S said...

How's life??
Moreover.. how's accounts??XDXD