Thursday, September 10, 2009

And I finally sat down long enough at the computer

It has been the craziest of weeks that classes (hmmmm..... is that important or what?) seemed rather anti-climatic.

And here's something you guys are dying to see...

My room! I love the duvet cover. And the desk further confirms my mother's hypotheses that flat surfaces are mess magnets in Yihui's space.

And this is the view from my room.

It isn't Charles River and Boston view (which btw is gorgeous) but Simmons Hall make a good substitute I would say. In addition to that there is another view

Footballers in very tight clothing. Quote someone I can't remember 'It's like rugby except they just ram into each other. It's dumb."

And I put that all up because I just had to show my incredibly cute duvet cover.

If there's any time to visit MIT, Orientation and Rush week would be the best time ever. Where else can you ride on stuff like these:

That's a hovercraft. I went on that and levitated like a buddha for 2min.

And THAT is an East Campus roller coaster! Didn't go on this one despite many reassurances that it is perfectly safe by an East Campus resident. The cart flew into the air during the test run and they added mattresses at the end to stop that. But it is still the coolest thing ever! There was water flowing down the side that drips according to the rhythm of the music played for the dance floor. It's a pure gravity ride by the way, no hydraulics or anything. :D

This sign contributed to my not going on the ride too.

No one died this year either.

To add to that, free food was everywhere for about 2 weeks. And I tried liquid nitrogen ice cream for the first time! (Home made ice cream where they pour liquid nitrogen into flavoured creamy milk and this mist would surround the ice cream like in a potions lesson at Hogwarts. Awesome) There were many other firsts: toilet paper dodgeball (haha the whole lounge was covered in toilet paper when we were done), midnight tours (email me if you want the details to that event.. That's a secret :D), watched an improv, involved in making a short film that's on youtube (, watched the best talent show I've ever seen in the Freshman Arts Program, ate 17 scoops of ice cream in 13min with 4 others, race go karting at 45 miles/hour, dance party on a boat cruise...

The last three were rush events where fraternities hold awesome events like that to get the best guys to attend and join their frats as well as girls to attract more guys to come. Which is where I get to go. :D They spend about 1/2 a million within a week and there were so many incredible events that it was so hard to pick and choose. Six Flags (theme park), or Go Kart or Paintball? Steak & Lobster dinner or BBQ? Red Sox Game? Incredibly difficult questions usually answered by 'how near are we to this frat house?'.

It's coming to an end now though. As the frat parties got more private, the roller coaster taken down piece by piece, upperclassmen filed onto campus, we're moving on.

Welcome to Hell! (It really is written on the ground halfway to MIT from Harvard Bridge: Halfway to Hell.) There's a story too for why Harvard Bridge is named Harvard despite it's vicinity to MIT. But that'd have to wait. :D

Yihui out!

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